How about a shout out for the LASER?!

Many people don't know about this incredible tool we have. The testimonials are many and the rave reviews keep coming in!
MLS Laser Therapy (Multi-wave Lock System) is a safe, noninvasive procedure which uses a laser light to target pain and inflammation, and promote tissue healing. It's also been found to reduce recovery time from surgery by up to 50%. A high amount of energy penetrates the skin through 2 therapeutic wavelengths to target the problem areas, It's not hot or cold and is painless and quick.
While each patient and results vary, 90% of patients report tremendous pain relief, ability to return to a normal, active lifestyle sooner. and impressive results with chronic and degenerative issues.
What kinds of things does the laser help with?
Just to name a few...
Plantar fasciitis
back, neck, shoulder and knee pain
walking/running issues
wound healing
chronic pain
It is not covered by insurance, but is more economical than you think. Pay by visit or buy a block plan, the promising answer to your pain is within an easy reach... and we're just down the street. Come on in for a free consultation. Call us at 435-654-5008.
A little bit of laser equates to a whole lot of relief! Hope to see you soon!